Gahanna Soccer Association

Fall 2023 Picture Day Info

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! GSA's Fall Picture Days are this Friday and Saturday at Headley Park.


  • Friday, September 15, 2023 - U-4, U-5, and U-6 teams
  • Saturday, September 16, 2023 - U-7 and older teams

WHERE: Headley Park - 1031 Challis Springs Drive, Gahanna, OH 43230

HOW TO ORDER: Download the order form, get the picture form from your coach, or pick up a hard copy at Headley Park on picture day.

Click here to see product samples

Cash/Credit/Checks made payable to: Photograph-X Sports

This has been added as a "Team Event" for your team in the MOJO app. We set up the picture schedule so that all teams would have time to take their picture BEFORE their games on Saturday. The referees have been instructed to give the teams a little extra time to get to the field in case the picture schedule starts to get behind. To prevent that from happening, please make sure to arrive a few minutes EARLY for your picture time.

If your team is NOT using MOJO, you can find the game schedules at You can find the picture day schedule at Please note that the U-12 Girls, Middle School, and High School schedules are not on the GSA site due to them being in travel leagues. Please follow up with your coach for schedule questions in those divisions!

If you have any questions about game schedules or the picture schedule, please contact your coach. Coaches, if you have questions, please contact your commissioner.